Sunday, 5 July 2015

Age of ............. wait where are the points

The Age of Sigmar is here, the rules have been slashed to four pages doesn't worry me at all, a reset of the lore not a problem, no reactive gameplay I can live with that, no structure; well thats a problem.

I understand that Games Workshop is going a long way to produce games designed for playing socially rather than competitively but I would like some structure to build my force around, even when I drop around to a mates place for a game and a couple of drinks on a Friday night.

I have witnessed a lot of discussion over the last day or so in regards to this and I've seen a number of good ideas and I'm going to present my ideas on a basic structure here in preparation for the Tricksters Blade tournament I run each year. I want to move forward with Age of Sigmar rather than sticking with 8th Edition Fantasy, mainly because I see this year being the final Tricksters Blade if we stick with 8th rather than finding a way to adapt.

Potential Tricksters Blade Framework;

  • Limit of 100 wounds
  • Models that don't have a wounds characteristic listed count as 10 wounds
  • No unit can have more than 30 wounds total. i.e. 10 Chaos Knights @ 3 wounds ea, or 30 Night Goblins @ 1 wound ea.
  • No more than one of any named character. i.e. Karl Franz.
  • The following Keywords showing up no more than 8 times and no single one of the following keywords appearing more than 4 times in a single list; Hero,Wizard, Priest, Monster, War Machine. So Negash would take up 4 being a Hero, Wizard, Priest, & a Monster, and you could not have more than 3 more of each of those keywords in your army.
  • All models in the same unit must be on the same sized and shaped base.
  • Measurements are to be made from the edge of the models base, if measuring between models use the nearest edge to nearest edge.
  • No Sudden Death
  • Kairos and the Screaming Bell can not be selected in the same list
I know that what I have presented here will not keep everyone happy, and I don't think any system ever will. The Tricksters Blade Tournament will be held in October this year and I intend to put out a Players Pack in early August, so your opinions and ideas on the subject of adding some structure to AoS and making Tricksters an awesome weekend will be appreciated.

Until next time ...........
may it not be so long



  1. Sounds like a plan to me mate, though I'm curious, what doesn't have a wounds characteristic??

  2. Lord Kroak is the only one I know of.
